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Intel Placa Servidor S3420GPV Cod. Producto: A-2408   ||  Fabricante: INTEL Part Number:    Stock: 0 Unidades Entrega en el Día ver condiciones Envio: Gratis Descatalogado
Intel Placa Servidor S3420GPV
Intel Server Board S3420GPV - placa base - ATX - LGA1156 Socket - Intel 3420 Growing businesses need a reliable server solution for web servers, file and print servers, e-mail servers, storage servers and vertical-specific business applications. A general-purpose entry server platform plays a fundamental role in the success of a workgroup, department, small- to medium- sized business or high performance computing (HPC). The Intel® Server Board S3420GP provides server-class performance without sacrificing cost-effectiveness or reliability.
Descripción del producto: Intel Server Board S3420GPV - placa base - ATX - LGA1156 Socket - Intel 3420Tipo de producto: Placa base - ATXTipo conjunto de chips: Intel 3420Socket del procesador: 1 x LGA1156 SocketProcesadores compatibles: Serie de núcleo cuádruple Xeon 3400, Core i3Memoria admitida máxima: 16 GBRAM admitida: 6 ranuras DIMM - DDR3 SDRAM , ECC , sin memoria intermediaPuertos para almacenamiento: 6 x SATALAN: 2 x Gigabit EthernetEstándares medioambientales: Calificado ENERGY STAR
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Pago Seguro
Quick Hard, S.L. 2000-2022 Av. Monforte de Lemos, 103 Lateral ( Barrio del Pilar ) 28029 Madrid Tfno 91 294 51 05 Horario : Lunes a Viernes 10:30 a 14:00 y de 17:00 a 20:00
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